Wednesday 12 March 2008

The end of the beginning

At the information counter in Terminal 3 was stood a woman holding a board. On it was work's big 3-letter logo and my name underneath.

That's the moment that the game was finally up.

Sitting in the car on the M4 into West London it all just seemed liked a distant dream.

Chatting to Drew for the first time, picking up the guy at the gym, sailing to Clifton beach, getting drunk at gay pride.

I'm now at my desk. Someone came up to ask if I'd been away so I guess that means the tan is not as good as it could have been.

While waiting for the flight, having a drink with my parents my mum said; "Bobby, why do always come alone - don't you have a partner you'd like to bring?"

This is the first time in my life, at 29 years old that my mother has spoken so openly, in front of my dad, about me being gay, possibly having a boyfriend and wanting to meet him.

I had to tell her that, at the moment, there is no-one that special in my life.

But I assured her that I was not some lonely old spinster, on track to become unmarried and alone.

My dad said he hoped that I wasn't going to become a spinster, unless there was something else I wanted to tell them.

It was the best way to end things.

I guess my parents have come to terms with me - they must have done.

They have accepted that I'm not going to bring home a girl for my dad to meet. Or ask my dad for advice on marriage. Or share a joke with him about girls' boobs.

They must have been building up the courage for three weeks to ask me that question.

If I'm really honest, part of me is uncomfortable that all the issues and all the problems and all the shit that has haunted me for the last 10 years or more are all starting to disappear.

Oh please god, don't let me become balanced, happy and content.

Phobias, neuroses, loathings and anxieties... my dear friends, please don't abandon me now.


Timmy said...

Glad that you safely made it back to the UK. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the tales of your holiday.

BTW...a friend of mine is a mileage whore and went from Wellington, NZ to London...with a stop or Capetown yesterday. I've been enjoying his tales via email of his travels. Too bad y'all weren't there at the same time.

Anonymous said...

Not to be overly serious sure to call your mum and thank her for caring to ask and having the nerve it took to have that conversation. They deserve big points for trying and parents don't get much of that.

Please be balanced, happy and content, but don't let it get in the way of your bitchy, neurotic, phobic, and anxious blogging, k?

Bobby Vanquish said...

Timmy: Thanks - I enjoyed writing them! x

Auctor: Well that's what I'm worried about. What am I going to stress about if I turn completely normal? Seriously though, I don't think that's going to happen any time soon... We're stuck here for a looong time ...

Anonymous said...

Awwwww, your parents sound so cute and loving.

Good on them.

And how about something so that we can judge how good your tan is, before the English weather kills it?

Bobby Vanquish said...

Oliver! Oliver! Never before has a boy wanted more: Aww - you come up with the best ideas. Yes, I am going to have to get half-naked and snap some pictures. Good idea.

Timmy said...

only 1/2 naked! your readers deserve more!

dickophile said...

you're gay. im pretty sure that means you'll always be neurotic. its like in the genes or someting.

Anonymous said...

You get airport pick-ups arranged by work? You must be super-important.


firstimpre55ion said...

Well at least your parents are finally addressing it as something natural and not out of the ordinary...hopefully I get there with my parents soon. I've been telling them alot more lately who I've been hanging out with and my mom's had some genuine interest who I've been hanging out with; interestingly enough.

Glad you're back safe...oh and I just found friend might move to the UK...Brighton actually...sounds like a visit might be in the works...gotta do some Bobby stalking! LOL ;)


Anonymous said...

Go to a tanning booth once a week to keep the tan. Also, go more than that if you want to improve it.

Oh, and just tell your parents you love them. It will make a world of difference to say it to them. Trust me.


Bobby Vanquish said...

Timmy: Okay, 4/5's naked then.

Dick: Thanks for the reassurance. For just one moment I thought I was turning pedestrian, normal and dull. Nobody likes those people.

Anon: Haha - when you work for somewhere that is so short-staffed and so desperate for anyone to work for them, that's when they pick you up at the airport in a taxi.

fI: Yeah, it's funny.. when you're parents are okay with things and want to know. And cool - come to Brighton and stalk. Although I am not in Brighton - but it's close enough. Though I have to say; why the fuck is she moving there?!

Carl: Yeah, I plan to revisit the tan-can to keep the tan going. I don't want to lose it, hell no. My parents know I love them, in a very odd way though.