Monday 17 March 2008

Bla bla

It's that old joke from Scent of a Woman.

John Daniels? When you've know him as long as I have, you can call him whatever the fuck you like.

On Saturday I did some stuff and then finally sat down and thought "what the fuck am I doing here..."

And I couldn't answer the question. And the more I thought about where I was the more depressed I got.

It's shit when you start asking yourself; "is this all my life is?"

So I ambled to the Sainsbury's and bought a litre of John Daniels and some Nurofen Plus and went to bed, listening to Pink Floyd.

And I woke up on Sunday morning and stumbled around a bit and had a beer and took some tablets and went back to bed.

Yeah, I'm depressed. I'm bored and just generally crap.

I dunno if it's this fucking atrocious weather or what. I can't even be bothered to finish this. Bla bla...

A normal service resumes shortly. I'm going to bed.

And as I type this Roger Waters sings:

Remember when you were young, you shone like the sun.
Now there's a look in your eyes, like black holes in the sky.

From Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Part IV.


TheDreamer said...

Ah. Post holiday blues. Bad blues at that.

You'll be fine. You've come too far to be miserable for long.


dickophile said...

my favorite song to listen to when im in a blah mood is boring by the pierces. everything about that song rings true. except the part about sexy boys. they're never boring.

Anonymous said...

Post Holiday Blues - need to find yourself a hobby. Knitting, Crocheting, Ultimate Frisby... your choice.

Timmy said...

You are suffering from PPS (Post-Party Syndrome). It's that down and out feeling, the blues, the big let down, after a wonderful holiday.

H said...

i know that feeling and am still drinking through it

not a good place tho

London Preppy said...

What stuff did you do and what place were you at? We need all the information if we're going to provide help

Anonymous said...

You're entitled to feel exactly the way you feel.

However you need a better song:

Now be a sweet and do us all a favor and set up an HD feed of the neighbor boys so we can all sit together in video village with PAs bringing us Lattes. That will brighten your day.

Knock knock knock. Oh, where do you want us to park the craft services truck?

love ya.

Anonymous said...

Or Bette if you insist on something more modern:

Bobby Vanquish said...

So thanks for the comments - and I have to say that I wasn't fishing for concern or sympathy but I just (and still do) feel totally bleh.

And it is a mixture of the following:
1/ my holiday is over (6%)
2/ I am turning 30 in three months (28%)
3/ I feel like finding a boyfriend again - it's been a year now... (13%)
4/ The weather is utter crap (15%)
5/ Gym is just such a pain and I can't be bothered (15%)
6/ I am just so fucking bored, generally and specifically (23%)

And thanks for the song suggestions... Peggy Lee singing "let's break out the booooooze and keep dancing" is quite an inspiration but I have to say that Pink Floyd is just - I dunno ..
You just lie down and listen to Comfortably Numb, a bit screwed, and everything just makes sense. You start Wish You Were Here and just lie there and the whole record is like a revelation everytime I listen to it. And it sucks at time. bla bla

Anyway - it's like 7.30am now and I need to put the music down and brush my teeth and urgh. I feel like shit, shit shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit......

Gabriel said...

feel better soon babe!

Anonymous said...

Get well soon.


W said...

please for God's sake just get a grip. Your being pathetic. Get on with your life and sort yourself out!

Anonymous said...

Try tanning in a tanning booth.

The sun is a pick me up and will help to fight some of these feelings also at the same time you will be getting a good tan.


Bobby Vanquish said...

Gabriel and Wayne: So thanks for allowing me to be a wet and wallow in my own self-importance.

Dubya: Yes.

Carl: This is a very good idea actually. Maybe I should adjust my ratios and make it "missing the sun - 89%". I am going to tan later when I back in the gym.