Tuesday 25 March 2008

Doormats and dashboards

It says that this is the 200th post on this blog. It means I have lumbered up to entertain / amuse and infuriate you about 200 times.

Sometimes I think that it's a wonder that there's anyone still here!

Now listen - can I ask you a favour?

Over the last three days I've written a whole bunch of stuff about a load of crap and at least six people have e-mailed me in response, who I never even knew read this thing.

But I know there are a whole lot more of you. So here's what I would really like you to do.

Please could you just send me an e-mail with your name, age and where in the world you are. That's all.

I would really love you to do this, especially if you've never left a comment or sent me an e-mail before.

This is like the part in the show when the person on the stage asks the lighting person to turn up the house lights.

Except I don't want to make a fool of ya.

I just want to know what your name is, your age and where in the world you are.

It's so that I can put a name to a stat. Or something.

Please email: bobby.vanquish@gmail.com. I would really appreciate it.

(And I promise it's just me for and nobody else so please don't be shy. I just want you to say hi.)

Now speaking of interactivity and all that stuff, yesterday I was moaning about how I wanted to be normal and eat roast chicken and mash and this morning I got the most exciting e-mail from someone who's cooked a roast chicken for me to enjoy. Virtually...

This is the funniest / coolest / weirdest picture I've been sent in a while.

It's weird to think that you're sitting, in a place where I have never even been before, reading these words. Seeing exactly what I am seeing.

I love it. And I think the chicken looks really fucking good. So thanks for the pic, it brightened my day. (Nice Mac too...!)

Actually, there's another hint. If you wanna take pictures of your food with my blog in the background - please feel free to do so. Mail them to the above address please.

Naked pictures are also encouraged. Obviously.

Speaking of pictures, sometimes people in London have no shame.

Take, for example this photo I managed to snap of this woman's book on the Tube this morning.

I have tried to fiddle around with the picture in PhotoShop to try and show you what the chapter is called but it doesn't work.

Basically the name of the book was Assertiveness For Women and she was reading the chapter entitled "He Treats Me Like A Doormat". !!!


I mean, there's a time and a place for everything you know...

Anyway, speaking of unusual things... check this, which I spotted in a van in the parking lot outside the gym.

What a fucking pigsty.

That's just the dashboard. Can you imagine what their bedroom must be like!? Or how filthy their underwear must be. Urgh... yucky yucky.

We can see a juice bottle, some newspaper, plastic bags, a soap (!) and what looks like a false tit.

Lordy lord... anyway, so that's Post no. 200.

Tomorrow we'll get resume a normal service. Perhaps I should tell you about how I found myself in the gym showers tonight with two guys in the opposite stalls wanking at me.

Did I? Didn't I?

That's tomorrow bitches...


dickophile said...

i cannot wait for tomorrow to get here. at least tell us they were hot guys.

Bobby Vanquish said...

Dick: You're just going to have to wait... were they hot? I dunno. Depends how hot they had the water turned up. Ha!

Bill said...

Nice post (and blog) - as a matter of interest, though, and for the terminally dense, where can I find your email address to respond as you suggest in this post?


Bobby Vanquish said...

Bill: Hi! It's in the post but incase you missed is:
bobby.vanquish AT gmail.com
Look forward to hearing from ya

MadeInScotland said...

I don't have the nerve to photo people on the tube. The orange glow of the focus thing kind of gives the game away.


BTW I'm Scott, in London, age 41. That makes me older than my parents were when I first became aware of them and age. But I'm glad I'm that age because I've experienced enough and wouldn't want to have to live it again, and basically I can't wait to retire and stop working.

Timmy said...

That is too funny about someone sending you a pic of the roasted chickens. They look yummy.

I'm not going to post my age on your blog LOL so I'll send you an email later. And I doubt that you want a nude pic of me but I'll think about sending one to you.

This was a good post. Quite entertaining.

London Preppy said...

My name is London Preppy, I'm 28 and I'm in London.

Bobby Vanquish said...

Czech: My shame valve which would usually stop me doing such things broke when I started this blog!

Timmy: Yes the chicken looks great. And get dem naked pics on their way. Thanks x x

London P: So hi. Yeah, nice to meet you. You look interesting. I like your style. We should hang sometime.

Bill said...

Hi! It's in the post ...

D'oh! Emailing you - lol ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm too lazy to write an entire email, so I'll just post here. I'm 21 and from Toronto.