Saturday 24 November 2007

Crying on the pec-deck

Sorry about that. I said I would post a pic and then I disappeared. Yeah, thanks for being so concerned like.

Oh, nothing important I just worked a really long day yesterday and didn't get a chance to sit down in front of the lapdog.

So I think I was going to show you something wasn't I?

Without further ado, here it is...

Yeah, why the hell would you leave your toilet out on the pavement?

I wonder if whoever threw it out, knows it's there?!

Okay, okay - that's not why you came. Now listen - do you know - I am actually quite zen about this.

About a year ago I would stress that I wasn't tanned enough. And I would stress that my chest hasn't been clipped. And I would stress that the hair under my arm needed sorting out but do you know... now I'm zen about it now.

All of that stress and anxiety was merely hiding the fact that I was not looking as good as I might be.

Don't get me wrong - there's still loads to do, firstly I really need to get my stomach in order. But it's okay. And I'm okay.

Here's a reminder of times past...

And times as they are now.

It's untouched and unedited.

Has it been difficult to do that? You fucking bet it has.

And seriously - you can read all the fitness magazines and books in the world, they help marginally. I'll tell you the one thing you need to change the way you look (and save yourself the money and time of trawling through endless books).

It's one thing only; perserverance.

Obviously I wanna look better - I'd love more definition but for the moment, fuckit.

My biceps are noticeable, my chest sticks out further than my stomach and my shoulders are wider than my waist. That's all that counts.

Of course all this self-confidence will be completely knocked as soon as I see someone with a really fit body. And then I resort to self-loathing, depression and unhappiness.

This is when I go to gym and cry while sitting on the pec-deck.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Bobby !

This is a complete makeover, really impressive !

Bobby Vanquish said...

Fielin: Hey matey - thanks for the compliment. It was a lot of work but of course, it's not done yet!

seahorse said...

ok fine fine fine. I will bow down to pressure and do the honourable fing.

Bobby, Herewith a very big Congratulations on achieving your goals. 1 of many I'm sure!

But always in the back of your head remember a little tune by Freddie Mercury ...."Don't stop me now...Because I'm having a good time!" and let yourself go as much as you can or atleast every so often to maintain that balance in life so that you don't slip back into them old ways.

Well done.


Bobby Vanquish said...

Seahorse: Thank you. you're learning. I am the boss around here, baby. You bow to me.
Now polish my shoes, bitch.

ANDRE said...

I have the odd feeling that the toilet in the picture may be from my old flat...

Bobby Vanquish said...

Andrea: Well what the hell is it doing on the pavement outside my house? How can we tell, does it have any discerning features?
Please don't tell me you want it back now...

ANDRE said...

mmm no discerning features, I can't recall any details, it was a quite unnoticeable toilet. But I actually recognize the little brick wall :) .. I don't want it back, I'm sure that toilet will be happier if adopted in a house full of love like yours!

Gabriel said...

sweetheart, no crying on pec-decks. you are doing just fine!