Monday 25 February 2008

Free for cash

I'm stopped at the traffic lights (which South Africans call "robots") and there are various guys selling stuff.

Here, you don't just get beggars with dirty water and a Squeegee but people offering items like mobile phone chargers, sunglasses and even clothing.

It's all presumably merchandise that has fallen off the back of a lorry. Or whatever today's euphemism is for pinched.

So this guy comes up to the car ... by the way, check the size of the bolt that the people at the tyre shop pulled out of the tyre from yesterday.

Anyway, so I'm stopped at the lights and this guy comes up to the car to try and sell me a bunch of flowers that have been made from old wire coat hangars.

Basically, the "flowers" are bits of twined metal with beads fed around the parts which make up the petals, yeah?!

I wind down the window and say that I am not interested.

He says "but they're free."

Me:"What, free!?"

Him: "Yes, you can have one, they're free. But you have to give me some coins in return."

This is him walking away dejected after I laughed and declined his offer of "free" metal flowers.

I am going to try and get a snap of all the traders at the various intersections around the city to show you because you wouldn't believe me otherwise.

Tonight it's still, dark and about 27C.

My parents live quite high up above the town and so I've been sat on the balcony watching the view.

It's so beautiful watching all the lights flicker below.

As I got seriously shit-faced last night, I decided that tonight, to stop me getting the urge for booze, I would have a cigarette.

But it didn't help because I still had a glass of red anyway.


Timmy said...

I thought you were going to tell us that he was selling gold AussieBum swimsuit knock-offs. LOL

Beautiful view of the lights. I would have had some wine too!

And geez! That is a huge bolt!

Bobby Vanquish said...

Timmy: It's only a matter of time before they start selling homo-erotic swinwear at the traffic lights, I'm sur...
And yes the lights are beautiful but I didn't get drunk.

Anonymous said...

i could think of many instances of sexual innuendo that could concern that huge bolt. and that is a fantastic view!

Bobby Vanquish said...

Davey: Well, start listing 'em sista!

Anonymous said...

I thought of you this morning when I was shoveling snow from a snow storm we got over night. It dumped 8 inches of snow on me. I wishing on was on that beach right about then. I could have had heart attack trying to shovel all that snow out to get to work today.

I'm glad you didn't take my swim trunks with you on that trip. By the looks of the pics, you would have ruined them changing that tire.