Monday 1 October 2007

Two's company?

I'm really irritated and upset. And just generally fucked off and depressed. And do you know, it's at times like this that I think maybe straight is a viable option.

Tonight I nearly had a repeat of an episode that happened previously with Colleague.

Colleague as you may remember is just that. We went out and used to work together, he now works in a separate part of our (very large) office and see each other for lunch occasionally.

And sometimes he texts me and I go around to his place for a few hours. We don't watch movies when I'm there, mind.

So I'm just finished at gym, around 7pm and a text appears from Colleague. "You fancy coming around tonight?"

My gut just says 'Bobby, say no...' but before I know it I'm sitting on his couch.

Before getting there I had explicitly said "It's a week night, a kiss and a fumble's fine - not interested in anything more...". He assured me this is all he wants too.

But having been there just five minutes his phone goes and shortly afterwards there's a knock on the front door.

A guy has magically appeared out of nowhere, was just passing by and pitches up.

Of course I don't want to labour the point because you can see where this is headed and it was really difficult not to completely throw a huge goddam strop.

Colleague has organised something and not told me because had he done so, I wouldn't have traipsed across London.

I go to the kitchen and Colleague follows me there.

"Come on - it'll be fun - he's really fit..."

"You lied to me to get me here and I feel like a hooker and I want to leave".

"Just stay, once you've got your clothes off and the guy is into you, you know you'll have fun..."

On my way out having bitten my lip to avoid getting violent a fourth bloody guy arrives.

It's what this fourth guy said and did that really upset me.

In the hallway he drawls, in his over-confident Antipodean accent; "ah man - you're not going ah ya - why didn't you bastards wait for me (grabbing my arse), I'd love to get more of that..."

I laughed and thought "you cnut", with a capital 'K'!

At the door Colleague tried again to get me to stay but I said no. In the background one of the guys was already unfurling a piece of folded up paper.

Firstly I'm irritated that I was lied to. I'm irritated that I was there to up the numbers because one of the guys thought I'd be great naked.

"Yeah, once I've done with one of you I'll have a go with your mate". Not.

Sitting on the Tube back home I deleted Colleague's number from phone. It's the last time he makes me feel like a QX slag and I'm not speaking to him again.

And I looked at the straight couples sitting on the Tube.

Are their lives about group sex on a Monday night? And gear. And "horned-up chem sessions..." and "I'd really love to watch you fuck my mate" or "did you bring porn" or "anyone bring lube?" or "..."; I could go on. So I will...

It's not just sex and threesomes and boyfriend-swapping and porn and "ooh, look, he's fit" and "shall I log onto Gaydar and see if anyone else is about" and all set to the sound of some vacuous Kylie Minogue song.

I'm glad I left and I'm glad I kept my knickers on because at least there's some dignity in that. Or in this shallow world of "gay" is leaving with your dignity a sign that you're just uptight?

I think what's really upset me is that the two other guys were quite fit-looking blokes. Like you, like me. Is everyone doing it am I just the prude?

I hate it. Being gay is not about feeling shit because you walked out on the chance of a group shag.

Or am I just missing the whole fucken point?

Those drag queens at Stonewall in the 60s or whenever didn't risk getting beaten within an inch of their lives just so that poofs on Monday night could tally up for an orgy.

There has to be more to it than this. Or is this what being gay's all about?


seahorse said...

lol shame man that is a shitty one. Good on you for leaving. Now run over to me for a 'boere' cuddle haha


WillySmith said...

I think it's about moderation. 4 boys on a monday might be too much. 3 boys on a Saturday maybe another story...

Bobby Vanquish said...

seahorse: wat die fok is a boerecuddle? miskien moet ek jou ontmoet om uittevind wat dit is? Ek wens vir jou - van nou af gaan ek soos 'n dominee bestaan. dit beteken geen manne en geen fokken shagging. It won't last for baie long though!

willy: I wish it was about moderation. i.e. one boy at a time, clean and sober.
However, 3 boys on a Saturday? Nah...
(Why who did you have in mind?)

seahorse said...

i just read the other related story earlier in september. Jy soek daarvoor is the term i believe.
I remember Joburg/Pta days, was fun while it lasted but i am a settler. Not into that scene no more. Been offered 6times in london and have run away each time.

come get your lovin here>>>>>> from the knysna seahorse...x


seahorse said...

lol i dont know what a boere cuddle is lol.......lmao. as im not a boer for sure! safa yeah
up late again hey....jy soek nou vir kak and no more charlie!it gonna fuck u up. finaal.

Bobby Vanquish said...

Seahorse: Ja, in September het ek dit gesoek maar op hierdie keur nie. het ek geen Charlie gehad - as ek vir my maat gese "nooit op 'n skool aand nie".
Ohmygod - Knysna! Ek moet vir you vertel what happened once waneer ek by Knysna gevisit. It was disgusting and involved oysters! Maar now gaan ek bed toe...

Anonymous said...

I think you did the right thing for yourself. You left with your dignity and that's what's important. Honestly, who cares what everyone else thinks... it's what you think that matters. Ok, enough of the Public Service Announcement.

I agree, we should have a party when we get our Macs! You buying me a plane ticket to London?

London Preppy said...

No, this is not what being gay is all about. Good on you for leaving and deciding to not talk to your "friend" again. Seriously I couldn't think of anything worse on a Monday night.

Who ARE these people? The only time when situations like this can be justified is when you're 20 and have just come out and think all this group sex and promiscuity and amorality is new and cool. Then 4 months later if you haven't got bored of it there really is somethign wrong with you.

Or maybe I'm a miserable moralist too. But you know what, I've never had group sex with 4 people and I'm still happy.

ANDRE said...

Oh well, I was thinking that to the eyes of many gay guys I know, me saying "I think that you did a great thing to yourself by leaving, you should be proud of that" would be considered as moralist and prude. But at the end of the day, I'd prefer to go fall asleep as an uptight prude nun but knowing that I don't need midweek chem group sessions to feel alive and worth it (alcohol is made for that!).

I'm glad you are not feeling like the previous time.. x

seahorse said...

sex with 4? rolls of the tongue ever so gently. like dinner for 4? there are some decent people out there still thank goodness.

what did you do with the oysters? die here weet alleen dit klink erg? tell me u ate it and it didnt involve the bedroom?

One Half said...

To me being gay is about being able to be yourself. If it's foursomes on a Monday night, fine. If it's a special someone to cuddle with, fine, if it's somewhere in between , fine. Good for you for being yourself and leaving when you didn't feel comfortable.

Brechi said...

I'm glad you left too. You're not a prude for it at all. You just didn't want that.

Anonymous said...

You need to get away from people like this and find normalcy through a steady one on one relationship with someone who is not involved with these types of things and doesn't want to be.

I don't mean to preach to you by any means, and if it comes off that way, then it is coming across wrong.

I'm not condeming people for participating in this if that is what they want, but clearly it is not sitting well with you which is why you need to try something else.

You need to believe that you can have something else and go for it. Nobody can make that move for you.

There are tons of people out there looking for the same thing you are dude.

A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.

Maybe deleting that guys phone number on the tube was the first step.


Anonymous said...

You did the right thing.

I've often asked myself the same question : when I refuse an orgy or a threesome (I think it happens about twice every month), does it mean I am a prude ?

I am quite relieved, reading the comments here, to see that we still have a right to decide what we want and what we wish to avoid.

Bobby Vanquish said...

T: I have no money for air tickets! I spent it all on the lapdog...

LP: I'm partially to blame because I should have told him to fuck off a while ago. I get depressed because I just think that my parents - or any parents - didn't bring their boys into this world to attend drug-infested orgies on a Monday night. I'm just depressed that my life skates between being completely amoral or crashingly boring. Maybe the problem is that I consider not having group sex on a Monday boring.

Andre: I do feel a bit shit like last time but I'm over it now. It's amazing what a good night's sleep can cure. You're right - maybe I do need to drink more. (this is just a joke of course...). Maybe I should just turn to being a nun and wearing a dress and that silly napkin on my head.

One half: Hey matey... yeah, I know being gay is about all sorts of things but at the moment it just feels like gay is just about group sex and drugs and Kylie. It's very boring. That's why I sometimes think straight is easier / less seedy.

Brechi: Yeah I know - and hope you're feeling better...

Carl: Maybe I'm hanging around with the wrong people but do most gays really want a happy stable relationship with a volvo and two dogs? Of course I'm being cynical.

I guess what upset me is that the guys who arrived at my friends were the kind of guys who I could meet out and think "yeah - relationship material..." except that they were there on a Monday night to stick stuff up their nose and shag each other to shit music.

I know one of them and Colleague have been at a "party" on a previous occasion. Oh god, it's so boring... I'm not going to give it any more energy than it deserves. And this is more than enough. That's the best first step, I reckon.

Bobby Vanquish said...

Fielen: I don't think it's about being a prude but I dunno. I don't think orgies and drugs and all that are "normal" behaviour. What's depressing me is that it seems in the gay world it is acceptable and it seems loads of people are doing it. Hopefully we're not all going to end up soulless drug addicts with STDs?!

WillySmith said...

I have another 22 cents... because there just isn't room on my blog LOL...

Lots of str8 people are doing it too. I've never had a 4gy or used street drugs and I'm a homo. The most out-of-control guys I know are str8. So I don't think you can pin it on "gay".

I say do what you want and don't worry about what you perceive as the norm for your demographic. I think you did fine all along: when it was working for you, you were in, when it stopped working, you bolted. More people should live this way.

Now just stop beating yourself up over it - deep existentialist thought is just a trap for depressives. I don't think its a question of morality what happens between consenting adults.

Anonymous said...

We all need to make it a point to meet the best quality people in life to uplift us when we are down and share the good times when we are up.


Gabriel said...

bobby, i know where you are coming from. my unwillingness to participate means i'm an uptight bitch. which probably *ucks up your reputation but you just need to remember there's more to life than that and you are above it all!

Bobby Vanquish said...

Willysmith: I know I shouldn't beat myself up over it - thought it wouldn't have worked had you said that to me last night! It is consenting adults etc. what was upsetting me was that it was becoming the norm. It seemed like it was everyone doing it and I just suddenly felt "is it me or is this all just a little bit seedy...?"

Carl: That's a nice comment. I don't have any friends who I can say "oh god, last night I nearly got dragged into another fucken orgy" so I'm glad I can do it here. And that are people - who I've never met - who 'listen' and who seem to care. That means a lot!

Edd said...

I see nothing wrong in other people doing it, which I guess means Im not a prude, though personally its definatley not for me. Id rather be/date a bore than a whore.

Bobby Vanquish said...

Edd.D: I don't really care about other people doing it. What I hate is when they try to make me out to be less than I am because I refuse to join in...!

TheDreamer said...

Well done. Self respect intact, and self esteem boosted. You don't need Colleague and his empty life. There is MUCH more than that.

T said...

umm I have only just dicovered your blog and am really enjoying it.

Re the regular orgy scene : for some guys may be they just dont have the social skills or interest to have a monogamous relationship. For some gay men it seems they perceive their gayness needs to be expressed thru multiple couplings and it helps their self esteem or feel a real sense of gay fellowship thru it. For some guys it is just a stage they pass thru. Just because it is not for you at this juncture do not comdemn it totally. Shades of grey : not just black and white.