Sunday 28 October 2007

A quicky...

Listen, it' Sunday night and I know you're getting ready for school and washing your hair but I would just like to mention one thing, quickly...

Do you see this guy below, in the white rassling suite?

Can I just say, here and now, that I would like to tear that suite off him with my teeth and then eat it, all in one go.

If you know who this person is, please could you bring him to me asap.

Thank you for your time and have a great week.


Tales of the City said...

Thanks for perking me up. Bloggers meeting tomorrow my SA cyber friend.. want to join?

Anonymous said...

Er... uh.. Where did you get a picture of me from??


Bobby Vanquish said...

Hey CT,

Thanks for the invite.
When I started this blog I had a lot to say and still do. Writing about so much as helped in many ways.

I am able to do that - to be as honest as possible - because nobody really knows who I am.

I fear that meeting people means I will start self-censoring because I'll start to think "ooh, I don't really want to mention that because it's slightly embarrassing" etc.

A blog that becomes one big in-joke amongst those you know in "real life", to me, loses the edge. You might as well just stick your Facebook page up and show off your collection of "friends".

That's why I have been adament that I would prefer not to meet anyone who reads my ramblings.

Although you may have guessed where I work, as thousands of others do, and you probably realise that I take the Central Line to work every day, there's nothing much else to know about me.

I could have sat next to you on the way home, I could have stood behind you in the queue at the M&S.
Maybe this morning I was able to complete the soduko in the Metro whereas you could only manage to fill in all the 5's.

That's the beauty of a blog is in its anonymity which allows total freedom.

Yes, there's half a picture of me in my underwear on the right hand side, yes there are videos of me speaking but that's where it ends.

I am sorry to sound boring and uptight but that's how I feel. In real life we have to watch most that we say and do. We have to be careful not to offend - sometimes we have to pretend to people we would rather not have to.

Here I am free to be me. On here what you see is what I am.

Besides if you knew me in real life you probably wouldn't like me anyway. I'm happy listening to other people's conversations instead of making my own and I don't really drink much which makes me doubly boring.

I hope you understand...
