Thursday 4 October 2007

A pack of carbs

I drink protein shakes and eat sushi. And there's fruit and snacks are tins of tuna and the occasional rice cake (which smells like shit, really...).

Sometimes I have some grilled chicken or those silly Tesco baton carrot thingys. A snack may be a small tub of Greek yoghurt with honey.

But fuck me I want carbs so fucken badly.

I was walking home from the Tube station past the Pizza Express and there were people eating pizzas. I wanted to go in and snatch them off the diners' plates.

I want a pasta and a beer. And spaghetti. And a nice big fat slice of bread with Nutella. And beer.

And more pasta and a pizza and a huge French baguette with some Camembert cheese and red wine.

Oh God, give me carbs.

If you bring me carbs we can lie in bed together and eat them. Red wine and cheese. And French baguette and pasta.

I am going to dream of them tonight I know it.

This picture distresses me about as much as something showing animal abuse or a naked woman.

Just one little carb food thing. Just a little slice. Or a string of spaghetti. Give it to me. Help.


Jon said...

Don't you ever have "no guilt" or "cheat" days???

Anonymous said...

I would sell my soul to eat that pizza in the picture! I know exactly how you feel. Today the thought of eating yet another salad and can of tuna was just saddening. I honestly thought I'd rather not eat then eat that healthy, carbless food.

When I get my MacBook and we have our laptop party, I'll bring carbs. Lots of pizza and alcohol and chocolate and ice cream and we'll eat until we're sick.

Did I mention I'd sell my soul for pizza?

Bobby Vanquish said...

Jon: My last cheat day was Saturday and I ate a whole entire bowl of pasta and had a San Miguel. If I cheat again will you promise not to look or tell anyone?

T: The thought of salad makes me wanna hurl. You can sell your soul to me for pizza. Or baguette.
Yes - when we have our MacBook party please bring as many potato snacks and booze as you can fit into your carrier bag. Please. Emergency.

seahorse said...

jesus bobby i'm there like fred the bear, bringing the slap chips, fried chicken, spag bol the lot and loads of red wine!!!

why must one torment oneself so much over carbs???
i eat carbs twice a day, i have not touched a gym in 4years. i drink more than the average shizo.. i eat more than the average american, yet for a 28ye old i must say i'm looking fine.
Now they say all in moderation...yup whatever. point taken. starve yrself for 2 days, have 2 drinks eat 4 frozen lasagnes at 3am because of munchies and OCD??

nah fuckit, why torture yrself, eat, drink, GYM, be merry and be HAPPY.

London Preppy said...

DO NOT TELL THIS TO ANYONE because I feel I have to at least pretend to make an effort for having a six-pack, but I eat carbs now. Well not too many but I have a bagel with peanut butter and jam every day and I have cereal for breakfast and cous cous every day at 4pm and lots of biscuits throughout the day. I haven[' turned fat yet, so maybe the world has changed and nobody told us about it and carbs aren't bad.

Anonymous said...

I used to do that but after a few weeks I always give up. Atkin-killing is the price to pay for student nights and giving in to peer pressure.
Right now I'm eating a box of chocolates and letting my ass grow, while thinking that that pizza looks so good, but needs a bit more meat (chicken for the guilt or chorizo for the fat).

Bobby Vanquish said...

seahorse: mygod maar ek het nie slapchips for fokken ages gehad.
the reason I cannot eat carbs is because i have the slowest metabolism in the world. you can't understand. if i didn't run every second day i would be the size of a truck. in my case it's not eat, drink and be merry but rather eat, drink and be fat. seriously.

LP: Don't worry, I won't say a word. Though I have to say that you only mentioned once about your daily bagel. You failed to mention the cereal and cous cous AND biscuits. You know I care but I won't have you coming crying to me with your stomach in a trolley because you ate too many Jaffa cookies.

jeff said...

You need to read Loren Cordain's book's "The Paleo Diet for Athletes" and or "The Paleo Diet".

Bobby Vanquish said...

Oliver: What chocolates? How do they taste? Ohmygod I bet they're amazing, amazing. I think chorizo over chicken. Chicken has some semblance of being healthy!
Bring it to me! (and you can share...)

seahorse said...

nee dit verstaan ek well atleast now i do judging by those old pics yikes!
metabolism is the key function in yr diet it seems. but, still no nee for mental torture, healthy body, healthy mind they say.... or plenty sex will do the job.
actually finkin about it?? maybe u should be gangbanging every monday?

o donner
and they do slap chips here they just not very slap though, cant beat the real thing lol

and london prep, cous cous is awesome!!!!! i used to go fishin with mate after gym and have T-bone and cous-cous on boat everytime after a puff on the magic wand lol

seahorse said...
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Bobby Vanquish said...

Laguna: Thanks for the suggestion mate. It sounds a lot like the Stone Age diet which I toyed with trying at one stage. Am going to check it out on Amazon. Thank you.

Seahorse: Jy het so veel om te se and so baie stories dat ek dink jy moet jou eie blog begin. Ons wag bokkie! Jy kan dit "Tales from the Knysna Seahorse" noem. As jy dit doen dan sal ek 'n link op my blog sit. Die komments wat je bestuur maak my lag. As ek se bokkie, ons wag!

seahorse said...

bokkie??? wtf? who told u i was a junior springbok? who u know who know me?

Bobby Vanquish said...

Seahorse: Ek dink jy het genoeg vodka gehad. Dis now tyd vir bed. Jy kan jou Patricia Lewis CD opsit en lekker lullaby hou. Instead of leaving messages, stuur vir my 'n e-mail:

dbh said...

dont you like speed up your metabolism by eating 8 small meals a day or something?

oh and i asked LP to put his shopping list up, think you should put a food diary up!

S said...

If the people in my culture stopped eating carbs, we'd all be dead... from a carb-crazed genocide.

Jon said...

I'll look, but I won't tell.

S.B. said...

Thank you for my Friday morning laugh. I am going out to get a nice slice of NY pizza now.

Bobby Vanquish said...

daze: my food diary would be the most boring thing to read ever. it's basically tuna and no tuna. and yeah - small meals are the best. lots throughout the day. speaking of working out - how are you coming along? (i only accept pics as evidence)

Steven: What culture is this exactly? Sounds very er... I always thought Canadians were a rather peace-loving nation.

Jon: Deal...

Silly Billy: Bitch! Rub it in why don't you!

Anonymous said...

Ok, so I ate everything on the list you mentioned just within the past few days. All except the wine.

Today I had a chili cheese baked potato, coke, Double cheese burger. Yesterday, I had a plate of spaghetti with meatballs. The day before that, a huge subarmine sandwich etc.

I must be like that guy who you sat buy who didn't care if he had six pack abs. I just eat to my little hearts delight and for some reason weighs all of 165 lbs.

Last night I went to this grand opening of a hotel and they had meatballs, shrimp, chicken skewers, breads cheeses, including goat cheese! It was all great.

I delved into the all four desserts too! I have pics I can send you too if you want of all the food! Who takes pics of the food spreads? I do!



Anonymous said...


Did Burl Hole win the contest yet?

Just curious...
