Sunday 21 October 2007

It's all over bar the drinking

Que sera, sera. Whatever. I thought it was a bloody good display. The team did England proud.

Now you just have to try and avoid painful South Africans (not all, mind...) who're going to be even more arrogant and unpleasant than before. I really sympathise with you, if you happen to work with one.

My hangover isn't as awful as I thought it would be.

I decided to drink only champagne, a decision that seems to have paid off. Champagne (the real stuff) doesn't make me drunk and doesn't give me a hangover.

After the match I left the pub with Kerry, her boyfriend and Simon, our neighbour. They came back to mine to open the Veuve we had in the fridge. Fuck it - it's not going to last another four years.

So we polished that off and then dived into the wine rack to drown our sorrows. It was at around 2am that we decided to pack it in.

It was Napoleon who said "in victory you deserve champagne, in defeat you need it."

I couldn't agree more.

With those empties in the recycling box, I hope that Camden council bin collection don't assume anything.


Edd said...

nothing like a little Bolli to lift the spirits.

MadeInScotland said...


try my version...

"Thankfully now I won't have to avoid painful English (not all, mind...) who were going to be even more arrogant and unpleasant than before".

For a couple of week's I've had to listen to the bullshit in the office about how England were going to bring it home again. One of the NZ guys was made fun of in a full dpt meeting - asked to wish england well. He did - and after I told him he was very brave. I *never* would have, even with all that peer pressure!

Am so glad your boys did it.


seahorse said...

pass me the panado's please...the valiums aren't working.

Pleaese let New Years come soon so to stop drinking for the year. hiccup hiccup..

Spelling lesson no.1 for today.

come on u should know it, u a master at the bottle by now!

1 of my bad habits is to rectify, although it comes with the job.

Bobby Vanquish said...

Edd.D: Yes, alcohol solves everything. And what alcohol doesn't work, the drugs will.

Czech: I think we're going to have to agree to disagree on this!

Seahorse: Veuve, Verve, Vulva. It's all the same. Well, it's not vulva but you get what I mean.