Saturday 24 May 2008

Somewhere out there

It would be an interesting exercise to ask people who write blogs why they do so.

Some do it because they have things they're keen to say, others do it because they're just desperate to be noticed.

I've asked myself many times, 'why do I do this?'

The answer is that I don't really know.

Actually, that's a lie. I do know why I do this.

I've had some shit in my life, largely crap that I have brought upon myself and I guess I write all of this nonsense in the hope that someone else, who's mired in the same shit that I was, will find some comfort to know that they can work their way out of their predicament, like I have.

Yes, it sounds completely self-righteous but then when has a noble ambition been a bad thing?

I mention this because of the complex sentence I wrote, before the line above.

About seven weeks ago I wrote that in 2003/4 I worked in a shitty office for a satellite broadcaster in West London. I said I cried in the toilets on a daily basis and that I hated every aspect of the job and as a result, I hated myself.

Someone in West London, who worked for exactly the same company, read what I wrote. They too were going through the same pain I was.

I told them that if they wanted to, they could jump. It was in their power to leave. They didn't have to suffer.

To quote from the Book of Esther, I wrote; "get ready to jump and don't ever look back."

This morning the following arrived:

Dearest Bobby,

I thought you might want some feedback on something….

You may remember a couple of months ago, I posted a comment which centered on the fact we shared some history. We had both worked for the same broadcaster, the one based at the end of Heathrow’s second runway.

And that whilst you had moved on… I seemed stuck in the nightmare that is Osterley. A nightmare that was driving me mad, I mean literally, driving me mad. Crazy. La La. Fucking homicidal.

Well, you kindly responded to that post, and I got to thinking… why the fuck am I putting up with this shit? How had I gotten myself to a point at which I tolerated the depths of my despair…not too mention a god-awful commute.

Why couldn’t I change the situation? After all it was only a job, right?

Well, a couple of weeks later, I saw a post advertised that sounded interesting, and I thought why not? Why not indeed?

Well, to cut a fairly long story, a little shorter, I sent off my CV … and what do ya know?
I have just delighted in handing in my resignation at _ _ _, so no more shuttle buses or crap coffee in shitty sachets for yours truly.

I start my new job, on July 1st, with a substantial wage hike and it’s based right across from Bush house on Gt Portland Street. Civilisation, here I fucking come. You better be ready.

I shall think of you... your kind words, and how a little encouragement, plus a tale of a drive that you once took past your old home, reminiscing about a life you once inhabited, a life that left you miserable… how all that, affected me, and my life. How it spurred me into action and onto a much brighter future. One full of potential.

How life changes, hey?

Cheers Bobby.

Ever grateful!


When I sit down and type this blog and ask myself why the hell I'm doing it, that is why.

Someone who I've never met, found what I wrote and decided to change their position.

I guess in a way I am flattered, mainly because someone took me seriously! More importantly though, I am honoured.

I am honoured to have, in some small way, helped someone else. Someone who I've never met.

'G', I hope your new job is everything you hoped for and I just hope that you have the best time ever. You deserve it.

I have never met you and you have never met me.

Maybe we've stood next to each other at the Tube station or perhaps we'll walk past each other on Regent Street.

I'll go to bed tonight thinking of you and maybe you'll think of me.

Somewhere out there is a stranger who helped another stranger. You helped me realise that the path I've trodden and the tears in the toilet weren't all in vain.

Thank you.


Timmy said...

Not much to say other than: great story!

Alfred said...

Hi Bobby I think this is a very nice blog i am not really read all but when i have free time i will try to.I am agree your key point. and why i write a blog. oh this is very long reason.May i send your email?This is really a story. I think is very meaningful.I hope you can enjoy you new job forget the pain but may i know what job it are magnificent

seahorse said...

yes yes trust me to find the errors. Busses spelt so. Ta. End of. Lol. Otherwise i love Alabama! Its hot. The rednecks aint but its hot!

dickophile said...

stop trying to make me cry. it wont work. it wont.

Alfred said...

can i know your email

Bobby Vanquish said...

Timmy: Thanks...

Alfred: it's bobby DOT vanquish AT / bobby.vanquish @

Dick: I didn't want to make you cry! I hope I didn't...

And then the seahorse: another sterling effort. you barely make any sense. What about buses? huh?

seahorse said...

you telling me lol. I confuse myself. What can i say.. Got back from some redneck party and when drunk the first fing i do is go to bob for some comfort only to give him grief. Lol so ignore the buses. So says Confucious.. On another note.. You would love Alabama, awesome weather awesome homes and trashy people.. Come on over, i'll fry up some chicken.

S said...

So, you do it because you want people to thank and congratulate you?

Interesting theory (*scratches chin*).

Gabriel said...

blogs are to connect emotionally with people on issues and feelings you are going through or have gone through. live and learn!

Bobby Vanquish said...

Stephen: Not really - just maybe to help people. Not looking for any credit for it.
Isn't that good enough? Please tell me...

Gabriel: live and learn indeed - i know.. they're fun more than anything though. except when they can maybe help people. then that's nice too!